'Lola Helen Olojede
Whatever you find doing, do it excellently!
Hello! My name is 'Lola, I am a volunteer enthusiast and a philosopher by training. I am a Highly Sensitive Person who is predominantly Introverted. I am also a philomath.
I am currently rounding off my doctoral degree in philosophy. My areas of speciality are: Ethics and Epistemology, especially Bioethics and Social epistemology. I have a 6-year experience teaching philosophy in a university setting. I teach both philosophy majors and non-philosophy majors alike. I have taught courses such as: Ethics, Ethical theories, Metaphysics, Medical ethics, Introduction to philosophy, Early modern philosophy and Philosophy, logic and critical thinking.
I mentor as a volunteer the course 'Social Psychology' as well as Global Diplomacy: United Nations in the World'. I also volunteer as Beta Tester reviewing courses for quality before they are made available to learners. I champion the causes of women and children. As a volunteer, I teach street children in a rehabilitation centre the Geneva conventions on child's Right (CRC) in a child friendly way using the Save the children manual. I have also conducted a feasibility study on the activities of NGOs and government parastatals in Nigeria against human trafficking for an international NGO that works on anti-human trafficking activities.
I relish teaching, my students' evaluation can be accessed here https://www.dropbox.com/s/jmnafbskcbg0vg1/19-6-2019Students%27%20Evaluation%20of%20Teaching.pdf?dl=0
Paintings of rights done by the children i teach CRC can be viewed here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8fhbdq29t7nu1v/Evidence%20of%20work%20in%20Bosco%20Boys.docx?dl=0
Thanks for visiting!
I hope you enjoy reading?
With loving-kindness,
Primary Interests:
B. A., Philosophy
University of Ibadan
M. A., Philosophy
University of Ibadan
Ph. D., Philosophy
University of Ibadan
Work Experience
Tutor, General Studies Centre (Philosophy, Logic and Critical Thinking)
Employer: University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
September 2018 - present
Part-Time Lecturer in Philosophy
Employer: Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria.
March 2015 - present
Teaching and Research Assistant
Employer: Postgraduate College, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
August 2015 - March 2018
Volunteer - Mentor – Online Learner Support
Employer: Coursera.org
July 2018 - present
Employer: Bosco Boys Street Children Home
July 2018 - March 2019
Volunteer - Beta Tester
Employer: Coursera.org
August 2018 - present
Membership in Professional Organizations
- May - 2013 International Society for Development and Sustainability
- February 2011 - Nigerian Philosophical Association
Languages Spoken
Advanced proficiency
Basic proficiency
Primary goal: To teach and research in higher education; to be a researcher in a nonprofit sector
Will become available: September 2, 2019
Willing to relocate: Yes
An employment in the academia or nonprofit sector where my trainings, skills and competencies can be employed to meet a need and solve a problem; which affords a challenging opportunity where I can flourish and grow
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'Lola Helen Olojede
200284 Ibadan
- Mobile: +2348034879102
- Skype Name: Helen.Olojede