Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Financial Sponsors of the Network

Social Psychology Network (SPN) is supported by more than 1,500 individual members and several scientific, educational, and philanthropic organizations. On this page, we wish to extend special thanks to the groups below for their valuable contributions.

National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation has played a leading role in funding SPN and its partner sites. In 1999 NSF made an initial five-year research grant (#9950517), in 2004 it made a second grant (#0339002), in 2009 it made a third (#0843855), and in 2015 it made a fourth (#1456048). All grants were to Wesleyan University, with Scott Plous serving as Principal Investigator.

Society for Personality and Social Psychology In 1998 the web site of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology,, became a SPN partner site, and since that time SPSP and SPN have worked closely together. In 2004 SPSP awarded Dr. Plous its "Distinguished Service to the Society Award" and began contributing funds to defray the costs of running SPN and

Society of Experimental Social Psychology In 1997 the web site of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology,, became the first SPN partner site. In 2004 SESP began contributing funds to defray the costs of running SPN and

David and Carol Myers Foundation In 2005 the David and Carol Myers Foundation began supporting Social Psychology Network on an annual basis with an unrestricted grant for "teaching and communicating social psychological science to professionals and lay people worldwide."

Worth Publishers In 2006 Worth Publishers became a corporate sponsor of the Social Psychology Network Professional Discussion Forum. This sponsorship of the Network builds on earlier "Gold Circle" support that Worth Publishers gave to the SPSP Diversity Fund.

Psychology Press/Routledge In 2012 Psychology Press/Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, became a corporate sponsor of Social Psychology Network. The Taylor & Francis Group is a leading international academic publisher of books and more than 1,000 journals on psychology and many other topics.

California Southern University California Southern University provides accredited undergraduate and graduate degrees to adult students throughout the world using an online education system. Founded in 1978, CalSouthern offers online degree programs in psychology, business, liberal arts, and law.

European Association of Social Psychology The European Association of Social Psychology (formerly EAESP) made its first financial contribution to SPN in 2005 and subsequently became an annual sponsor of the Network. EASP was founded in 1966 and currently has over 1,000 members drawn from nearly every country in Europe.

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues In 2005 the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues contributed funds in support of Social Psychology Network. In July of that year, its Council also offered an endorsement encouraging SPSSI members to visit SPN and help support the Network, and in 2012 and 2013 it made additional financial contributions.

National Cancer Institute In 2007 the U.S. National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences became a sponsor of Social Psychology Network. The Division works to reduce risk, incidence, and deaths from cancer as well as enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors.

McGraw-Hill Education In 2002 McGraw-Hill Higher Education provided seed money to develop, an SPN partner site established in part as a companion to the anthology Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination, and in 2005 MHHE became a corporate sponsor of Social Psychology Network.

One Day University Can you really go back to college for just one day? Yes. One Day University, which contributed to SPN in 2007, hires award-winning professors from the world's finest universities to offer one of the most stimulating days of college available anywhere.

American Psychological Association In 2004 and the American Psychological Association jointly launched "Prejudice in Any Language: The Prejudice Translation Project." As part of this project, APA funded international teams of psychologists to translate a web-based overview of prejudice research into Armenian, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

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©1996-2024, S. Plous