William B. Meese
"Only you and I can help the sun rise each coming morning" - Joan Baez
My research interests are focused on understanding how people respond cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally to threatening information; how people overcome uncertainty; and how these events contribute to self-concept change over time. In the long run, my goal is to understand how people can use information about themselves and about their health to become active agents in the pursuit of a healthy life. I want to understand how people can disengage from unhealthy goals and re-engage with healthy goals; how a person's life experiences contribute to develop of an identity surrounding their health status; and how social psychological research can both reduce misdiagnosis and empower people to use accurate information to recognize when they have been misdiagnosed. I studied psychology at Reed College where I conducted independent research on the effect of stereotype threat on college students with disabilities. I worked on a team studying mindfulness-based relapse prevention for alcohol dependence, then as a mental health practitioner at UCLA providing treatment for patients struggling with anorexia nervosa, and as a consultant providing services in the food and agriculture industry. Outside of academia and professional activities, I love to do anything in the mountains, especially backpacking, biking, and photographing wildflowers. I love to cook, volunteer, and find new ways to learn about the world.
Primary Interests:
B.A., Psychology
Reed College
Ph.D., Psychological Sciences
University of California, Merced
Membership in Professional Organizations
- Society for Personality and Social Psychology
- Association for Psychological Science
Psychology Mentors, Inspirations, and Influences
Kathryn OlesonReed CollegeKathy took a chance on me, believed in me, and taught me to love the art of experimentation in social psychology.
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William B. Meese
PO BOX 3762
Merced, California 95344
United States of America
- Mobile: 6262605811
- Skype Name: meesew