Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Alexander Vladimirovich Kolomiychuk

Alexander Vladimirovich Kolomiychuk

Psychotherapist, family psychologist and sex therapist

I have not yet completely lost ideas of my youth to make the world better, and people happier.
With age, the basic idea has become less global and narrowed down to a few people.
Whatever it is, everyone is responsible for their own happiness.
As for me, I am always ready to help.
About ten years ago I started a medical-psychological center of personality development, located in Slavyansk, Ukraine. Before the economic crisis of 2008 there were staff more than ten people working in the center - psychologists, psychotherapists and psychologists. After the recession, staff had to be cut to a single person. Me. Now I am director and consultant in one.
I consult as a psychotherapist, family psychologist and sex therapist in Kiev, Ukraine, or via the Internet.

Primary Interests:


  • MD, Medical science

    Military Medical Academy, Leningrad, USSR
  • MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology

    State Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine
  • MD, Psychotherapy

    State Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine

Work Experience

  • Nurse

    Mental hospital #3, Leningrad, USSR
    October 1988 - April 1989
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist

    Maternity hospital, Slavyansk, Ukraine
    September 1994 - June 1996
  • Medical consultant

    Gran ltd (Retail pharmacy network), Slavyansk, Ukraine
    August 1996 - January 2001
  • Author and coach of psychological trainings

    Training center Alexei Gordeev, Kiev, Ukraine
    January 2001 - February 2007
  • Director and consultant

    Medical Psychological Center of Personality Development, Ukraine
    February 2007 - present

Membership in Professional Organizations

  • Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapists (UUAP)

Languages Spoken

  • Russian

    Native speaker
  • Ukrainian

    Advanced proficiency
  • English

    Intermediate proficiency

Psychology Mentors, Inspirations, and Influences

  • Maria
    My grandmother
    My first inspirator. Thanks to her, I chose my path in life.
  • Valeriy I. Lykov
    Center for prevention and treatment of addictions, Moscow, Russia
    Friend, adviser and role model of the therapist
  • Alexander E. Tabachnikov
    Professor of State Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine
    He was the first who taught me psychology.
  • Irvin D. Yalom
    Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University
    My first impression of psychotherapy have evolved from his books
  • Scott Plous
    Wesleyan University
    Scott taught me the social psychology at Coursera and he gave me the opportunity to write here whatever I want
  • vacant place for...
    ...may be you?
    Come on, inspire me!

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Alexander Vladimirovich Kolomiychuk
Velyka Vasylkivska str. 2, of.16

  • Work: +380960389400
  • Mobile: +380951770914
  • Skype Name: avlkol

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