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 Measures of Motivation
Posted by: John D. Mayer
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of New Hampshire
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 27th, 2006

Dear SPSP Listserv Member,

My colleagues and I are preparing a review of measures of motivation. As part of that review, we would like to better understand what social and personality psychologists consider to be the most important measures of motives in the discipline. We define importance broadly, in this context, to include a scale’s historical, theoretical, empirical, and applied significance. Put another way…

"What do you consider to be the most important measures (i.e., tests and scales) of motivation, either historically, or in use today?" If you could write a brief phrase or note as to why you have nominated a given scale or scales, that would be helpful as well.

Your responses would be appreciated. Please write to me at

I will post a summary of responses on the listserv once they are compiled.



John D. Mayer

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