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 Neuroimaging Faculty Position at UNC-Chapel Hill
Posted by: Lawrence J. Sanna
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: UNC-Chapel Hill
Sent to listserv of: SESP
Date posted: September 23rd, 2006

Please post the following job announcement that was passed on to me by Barb Fredrickson who is on the search committee. Any questions can be directed to Barb or Ginny Maisch as indicted below.


Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to announce a new faculty position at UNC-Chapel Hill that may be of interest to readers of this listserve who have expertise in social and/or affective neuroscience. The formal ad appears below my signature. I would appreciate if you would pass on this notice to any students, post-docs, or junior faculty who you think might be suitable and interested. Questions about the position can be directed either to me or to our Program Coordinator, Ginny Maisch (tel: 919-962-2054; fax: 919-962-2537).


Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D.
Kenan Distinguished Professor
Department of Psychology
Davie Hall, CB 3270
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

TEL: 919-843-0091
FAX: 919-962-2537

NEUROIMAGING IN PSYCHOLOGY – THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, to begin July 2007. We seek a faculty member who specializes in brain imaging related to either of two broadly defined areas: (a) neurobiological basis of drug addiction in humans or (b) social and/or affective neuroscience. This position will be associated with the Biological and/or Social Programs of the Department of Psychology, and also with the campus-wide imaging initiative, the Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC). The BRIC provides a supportive environment for neuroimaging research. Facilities include a research-dedicated 3T Siemens Allegra for human MRI and MRI (, a 9.4T small animal MRI, and SPECT, PET and CT scanners. Successful candidates will have a strong record of research productivity, the potential to develop an independent, externally-funded research program that involves doctoral students, and a commitment to teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. We will begin review of applications on November 15, 2006, although we will continue to accept applications until the position is filled. All applicants should submit the following non-returnable materials: curriculum vitae; statements of research and teaching qualifications; up to 5 p/reprints; and 4 letters of reference to the Psychology Neuroimaging Search, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Psychology, CB #3270, Davie Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270. The University and the Department have strong commitments to the principle of diversity, and we specifically invite and encourage applications from members of ethnic and racial minorities. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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