Listserv Message Center

Request for Unpublished Data for Meta-Analysis |
Posted by: | Chiara Bonetti |
Title/Position: | Postdoctoral Fellow |
School/Organization: | University of Parma |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP, SPSSI |
Date posted: | July 26th, 2024 |
Dear Colleagues,
We are seeking unpublished data on the relationship between social identification and system justification for a meta-analysis we are conducting.
Our inclusion criteria include data/results that meet the following:
(1) A measure of:
(a) Identification or commitment with groups, and these groups could be disadvantaged or advantaged, national groups, politicized groups (e.g., feminist or LGBTQIA+, etc.);
(b) System justification, such as general system justification, just world belief, hierarchy justification (e.g., justification of gender and/or racial differences), specific system justification (e.g., justification of healthcare system), economic system justification, etc.
(2) An index of association between identification and system justification (e.g., Pearson’s r)
(3) The study/sample is quantitative (with experimental or survey design)
If you have unpublished or nearly published data/results (including thesis) that might meet these criteria, please let us know by emailing Chiara Bonetti (chiara.bonetti@unipr.it) or Luca Caricati (luca.caricati@unipr.it), preferably by August 11, 2024.
We are hoping to include as many relevant studies as possible, and every single study helps! Any warnings about the published paper are also welcome. If you are unsure if your data fit our criteria or if you have any other questions, please write us.
With kind regards,
Luca Caricati and Chiara Bonetti (University of Parma, Italy)
Chuma Owuamalam and Mark Rubin (Durham University, UK)
Russell Spears (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)