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 Using ChatGPT for Advanced Data Analysis 3.0
Posted by: Michael Zyphur
Title/Position: Director
School/Organization: Institute for Statistical and Data Science
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 19th, 2024

Hi everyone!

Last chance to sign up for the groundbreaking workshop Using ChatGPT for Advanced Data Analysis 3.0 running May 23-24. Imagine performing an entire statistical analysis without writing a single line of code or even knowing how to use a given statistics program. In today's world of AI based language models such as ChatGPT, plain English is sufficient.

In this workshop, professor Peter Gruber will show you how to use ChatGPT and its Advanced Data Analysis tool for statistical analysis without needing to use any statistics programs or programming languages—and with the newest version of ChatGPT released just last week, it's even faster and more intuitive. The seminar covers a range of topics from data preparation and descriptive statistics to regression analysis, advanced statistical tests, and data visualizations. Emphasis is placed on understanding the workings and limits of this and similar AI models.

Places are limited so sign up today, and please feel free to tell your friends and colleagues!

Best wishes,

Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science

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