Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

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 Run Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences with Instats
Posted by: Michael Zyphur
Title/Position: Director
School/Organization: Instats
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 21st, 2024

Hi, everyone!

Instats is offering a free introduction to the Instats platform for potential partners, running March 28/29:

Our platform is designed to support research communities and promote academic freedom by providing a free platform for research training and community building with our global network of partners. Instats is methodologically pluralistic and open to partnerships across disciplines, and our partners include individual researchers with a PhD or equivalent, as well as professional associations/societies and universities.

It's always free to become an Instats partner, which allows creating and offering free or fee-based livestreaming seminars, workshops, or conferences through Our partners have free access to our platform's many back-end features, including AI-enabled content creation and automated video/audio editing that allows turning livestreamed recordings into on-demand streaming content. By building a library of on-demand streaming content, you can support your knowledge community and create a lasting body of research training content that can be useful for years to come (while retaining ownership of your intellectual property).

Register today for this free introduction to the Instats platform:

For more information about our partnerships please feel free to get in touch with me directly.

Best wishes,
Michael Zyphur
Institute for Statistical and Data Science

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