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 2nd World Congress on Facial Expression of Emotion
Posted by: Dr. Freitas-Magalhães
Title/Position: Full Professor
School/Organization: Faculty of Medicine
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 5th, 2024

*** Apologies for Cross-Posting ***

WCFEE 2024
2nd World Congress on Facial Expression of Emotion

October 09-11, 2024
Porto, Portugal

The organizing committee of WCFEE 2024 is now inviting call for papers. WCFEE is a scientific conference that focuses on the study of facial expressions and emotions. The conference aims to bring together researchers, scientists, and experts from around the world to discuss the latest research and findings in the field of facial expression of emotion. The conference covers a wide range of topics, including the psychology of facial expressions, medicine, neuroscience, computer vision, facial intelligence and artificial intelligence. WCFEE 2024 languages ​​are EN, PT and ES.

WCFEE organizers will be responsible for soliciting and reviewing papers and putting together an exciting schedule, including time for networking and discussion.

Papers accepted by WCFEE will be published in the conference’s adjunct proceedings.

Updates and additional details on the WCFEE website:


Address in your proposal the following points:
1. Title.
2. Organizers and affiliations, and main contact person

Proposals will be reviewed confidentially, and acceptance will be decided by WCFEE Program Chairs. Decisions about acceptance are final.

= Important Dates =

Abstract submissions: until 20 April, 2024

Notification to authors: from 30 April, 2024

Registration until 20 May, 2024

Refer to for other dates.

We hope to see you at WCFEE 2024!

WCFEE2024 Organizers

Dr. Sandro Pereira, Ph.D.
Organizing Committee Chairman

Attachment: WCFEE 2024.jpg

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