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 Contest: Using Behavior Change to Curb Illegal Wildlife Traffic
Posted by: Maria Dabrowski
Title/Position: Senior Outreach Associate
School/Organization: Rare
Sent to listserv of: SPSSI
Date posted: January 7th, 2023

Happy New Year, all!

I hope this note finds you well. I'm María Isabel, and I'm the Senior Outreach Associate for the organization Rare, which works at the intersection between conservation and human behavior change.

I am sharing this post because Rare currently has a contest called “Solution Search: Changing Unsustainable Trade,” which focuses on curbing the illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade in Latin America and the Caribbean. We are looking for solutions based on human behavior change to stop the illegal trade, with a specific interest in local solutions with proven success. All relevant information can be found here:

We have a prize of USD$20,000 for the two winning teams, and the deadline to register is February 28. Those eligible to apply are groups (NGOs, small governments, local groups, etc.) who are located and do work in Latin America/the Caribbean, or international groups who work in Latin America/the Caribbean.

Could you please share this competition within your networks to help us solicit applications, or let me know of individuals/groups who would be good candidates for this contest? It would be deeply appreciated.

If you have questions or concerns, I am more than happy to answer them (my email is Thank you so much for helping us find applicants for this important work, and thank you for all you do. Have a relaxing week!

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