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 PhD scholarship in evolutionary social psychology
Posted by: Justin Park
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Groningen
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: January 2nd, 2006

Opening for a graduate student in evolutionary social psychology

In the Unit of Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, there is an opening for a PhD student in the area of evolutionary social psychology. The student will join a group of 5 other individuals conducting social psychological research from an evolutionary perspective, and will work towards a PhD thesis on the topic of intrasexual competition between groups. The central issue in this project is the role that the acquisition and defense of mates has played and still plays in intergroup conflict. The methods used will be primarily laboratory experiments using cognitive methods, but there is ample room for archival and survey research.

Applicants should have the equivalent of a master’s degree in psychology or a related discipline, a strong interest in the theory of evolution, experience with experimental social psychological research, a thorough knowledge of statistics, a command of English at the academic level, and excellent writing skills. Strong applicants with a bachelor’s degree will also be considered if they provide evidence of the necessary skills.

The project is part of a grant from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the student will be supervised by Prof. dr. A. P. Buunk and dr. J. H. Park. The scholarship currently amounts 1390 Euro per month for a maximum period of four years, and tax is approx. 3% if the student has no other income. The regulations for this position are the same as in the Ubbo Emmius Program. Full details on this program can be found at:

For more information, please contact or Applications should be sent via e-mail to, and should include a curriculum vitae, a research proposal of no more than 750 words on the issue mentioned above, and three letters of recommendation. The start date of the program is September 1, 2006, and the closing date for the application is March 1, 2006.

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