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SPSSI Two-Year College Teaching & Mentoring Award
Posted by:
Justin Belsley
Sent to listserv of:
Date posted:
October 28th, 2022
SPSSI Two-Year College Teaching & Mentoring Excellence Award
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) is pleased to announce its award recognizing the contributions of faculty at two-year institutions in furthering SPSSI’s mission to advance the understanding of social issues. Community and junior college faculty have unique opportunities to reach pre-professional students for whom an associate’s degree or a certificate program may be their terminal educational goal. In particular, community and junior college faculty reach a number of professions, including police, fire, nursing, hospitality, as well as various other trade professions. Members of the surrounding communities often enroll in continuing education and workforce training at two-year institutions. Two-year faculty are uniquely positioned to advance SPSSI’s goals through work at their institutions.
SPSSI aims to recognize the ways in which faculty at two-year colleges incorporate social issues research into their work, both in and out of the classroom. This award recognizes teaching and/or initiatives at the two-year college level that share applied, social issues research with students and/or surrounding community.