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 CFP: Identities on the Internet
Posted by: Sabina Misoch
Title/Position: Dr./Ph.D.
School/Organization: University of Potsdam / Germany
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: December 22nd, 2005

Call for papers
Special Session
“Identities on the Internet”
(Conference: “The Internet Society”)
12 – 14 June 2006, The New Forest /U.K.

The goal of the special session “Identities on the internet” is to explore the social implications of computer-mediated commucations by focusing on the factors associated with the establishment of identities within virtual environments.

What happens when people communicate and interact with each other in cyberspace? When we regard the loss of the limitations and restrictions associated with a physical body in cyber space we can explore the role of cyber identity and the freedoms that a lack of physical form permits digital users.
In relation to identity that means that actors in a digital environment have the opportunity to present their identity in a highly controlled, constructed, and perhaps elaborate way; also the establishment of a genuine virtual self, which is not connected with the real authentic self, is easily possible for individuals in cyberspace. But this raises many questions: How are identities presented in virtuality? Do virtual environments tend to create false identites, desired selves, multiple identities or do internet rooms function as an area for processes of self-disclosure and authenticity?

In the session we want to discuss jointly which different forms of established identities and self-presentations can be detected in cyberspace and how these various identities can be interpreted. The aim of the session is to explore our common understanding of what happens when people present themselves in cyberspace in order to share research and to develop future research in this exciting area.

We kindly invite authors from a wide variety of disciplines to submit proposals; interdisciplinary proposals and empirical quantitative, narrative and qualitative studies are very welcome. Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for publication, must be presented at the conference. To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. The language of the conference will be English.

Please submit 300 words abstracts by December 31st 2005 as Word or Rich Text document to:
Dr. Sabina Misoch
University of Potsdam / Germany

Important dates:
Abstract submission: 31/12/2005
Notification of acceptance: 09/01/2006
Full paper submission: 14/02/2006

If your abstract is accepted, you’ll get further information to prepare the paper. Your conference paper will be reviewed by members of the International Scientific Committee and other colleagues. All papers presented in the Special Session “Identities on the Internet” will be published by WIT Press in a volume of WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies (ISSN 1743-3517). In addition to being available to delegates at the time of registration, the hardcover volume will be publicised directly to researchers and institutional libraries and distributed widely through the international book trade.

The papers will also be archived online in the Transactions of the Wessex Institute Collection. The collection provides the international scientific community with immediate and permanent access to individual papers presented at WIT conferences. WIT Press is committed to offering authors the option to make their work freely accessible to colleagues through their Open-View service.

For further details or if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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