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 Call for Data: Anchoring Effects
Posted by: Lukas Röseler
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
School/Organization: University of Bamberg, Germany
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 7th, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

We invite authors to share datasets that include a manipulation of anchors (at least one high and one low anchor and estimates provided thereafter. There are no further inclusion criteria. If you have any data that you would like to contribute, please write an e-mail to

Co-Authorship eligibility:
Authors who provide their raw data are eligible for co-authorship of the dataset (CRediT: Resources). Authors who process their data so that they match the data format (e.g., variable lists and R-code at -> instructions for potential contributors) are eligible for co-authorship (CrediT: Resources and Data curation).

What is the OpAQ?
This call for data is part of the Open Anchoring Quest (OpAQ). You can check out the entire project (information, call for data, downloadable dataset, up-to-date analyses of reliability, and meta-analytical effect sizes) here: The OpAQ-dataset currently comprises data from over 50 studies with more than 300 different anchoring items (N > 13,000).

Lukas Röseler
On behalf of the OpAQ-core-team
Lukas Röseler, Lucia Weber, Elena Stich, Miriam Günther, and Astrid Schütz

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