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 Free Membership in SPW
Posted by: Susan Basow
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Lafayette College
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 21st, 2012

The Society for the Psychology of Women is offering FREE memberships to new members of the division AND new members will be eligible to win a Kindle Fire if they join by December 31, 2012. As the attached brochure indicates, there are many benefits to being a member of SPW (mentors, networking, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Continuing Education credits, awards, etc.), and now there's no reason for anyone not to join. SPW members do *not* have to be members of APA.

People can join online at:

Once on the page, click the "Online application" link. If you are an APA member, fill out the bottom part of the form with membership name and password. If you are not an APA member, click the "Register Now" button and enter some basic information (name, email, user ID, password) to register with the site.

Once registered, you can join the Division online and start receiving its many benefits, including free online access to our journal, Psychology of Women Quarterly,  even though the membership year technically begins in 2013.

Thank you so much! Let me know if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Susan Basow
Membership Co-Chair

Attachment: D35_membership_brochure_april2012.pdf

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