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 Gratitude Research Grant Competition
Posted by: Dacher Keltner
Title/Position: Faculty Director/Prof. of Psychology
School/Organization: Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: January 11th, 2012

The Greater Good Science Center ( at the University of California, Berkeley, is pleased to announce a $3 million research initiative for which we are now accepting grant proposals. The initiative will advance the scientific understanding of gratitude, particularly in the key areas of health and well-being, developmental science, and social relationships. Click here to read the Request for Proposals for this grant competition:

The research initiative is part of a new, three-year project, Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude (, run in collaboration with the University of California, Davis, and supported with funding from the John Templeton Foundation. The project aims to expand the scientific understanding of gratitude, promote evidence-based practices of gratitude in institutions like schools and hospitals, and engage the public in a larger cultural conversation about the role of gratitude in our society.

Investigators interested in being considered for funding should submit a three-page, single-spaced Letter of Intent (LOI) by February 15, 2012, at 5:00PM PST. The letter should describe the proposed project concretely and in detail, and should indicate clearly why the proposed study promises significant contributions to either the science or practice of gratitude. In addition to a cover sheet, the LOI should include (1) a title for the proposed project, (2) a description of the research, (3) an explanation of how the proposed project fits within this initiative, (4) information on the project’s methodology and significance, (5) the budget required to complete the research, and (6) proposed collaborators, if applicable.

Click on our web site to read the full request for proposals, including background, eligibility, and application instructions, and click here to download the LOI cover sheet. These materials, along with the cover sheet, should be uploaded as a single document through the GGSC website. They can also be emailed, as a single attachment, to the Greater Good Science Center at Confirmation of receipt will be sent in return.

Project website:

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