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 Shameless Self-Promotion of Most Unloved Work
Posted by: Bob Arkin
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Ohio State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: January 19th, 2011

You are invited to stroll by the Oxford University Press booth at SPSP to skim through what fifty distinguished colleagues have to say about their Most Underappreciated work.

The volume is a collection of brief engaging essays in which eminent psychologists pull back the curtain on their own professional lives. There are personal stories that touch on relationships, passion for ideas, the emotional highs and lows of academic life, career-changing mentoring, all centered on cases where things didn’t quite “hit the mark” and their work was misunderstood, misconstrued, mis-cited, and sometimes missed entirely. The essays are charming, often LOL funny, and touching as many of these highly regarded social psychologists talk about their affection for and debt to their own intellectual “North Stars” from the prior generation. It has been said that social psychologists are a talented, smart, sometimes smart-alecky, clever, and fun group of scholars who have remarkable insight into everyday life; these essays support that assessment.

The book opens with a lovely youthful picture in tribute to Bluma Zeigarnik, the early disciple of Lewin who explored the “Zeigarnik Effect” -- her focus on “unfinished business” should now keep her and this book in your thinking until you own it, recommend it to your library, or at least skim it at the end of the month.

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