Listserv Message Center

Omission Bias/Effect Meta-Analysis |
Posted by: | Gilad Feldman |
Title/Position: | Assistant Professor |
School/Organization: | University of Hong Kong |
Sent to listserv of: | SESP |
Date posted: | June 11th, 2020 |
We are conducting a meta-analysis on omission bias/effect. This includes: (1) general preference for omissions (inaction) over commissions (action), given the possibility of harm, and (2) differences in moral judgments and attributions regarding omission vs commission in decisions involving possibility of harm (e.g., Spranca, Minsk, & Baron, 1991).
We have already completed an initial exhaustive search of the literature conducted an initial meta-analysis back in 2017 (see thesis preprint: https://osf.io/vdb3k/ ) yet we would like to update our records and double check that we have not overlooked any findings. Especially given that it has been a while since our last search.
We would appreciate references to published articles or data on the topic, so that we can include that in the meta-analysis. We are especially interested in any relevant unpublished manuscripts or data that cannot be found using regular literature search.
If you have unfinished or unpublished manuscripts, we would appreciate a copy.
Alternatively, for unpublished manuscripts and/or data, the information we require for inclusion is:
• A description of the manipulation and general description of the experimental conditions.
• For each of the experimental conditions:
o Brief description of the condition
o Sample size
o Mean, and standard deviation for each of the dependent variables
o Brief description of the measures/scales used for the dependent variables, and internal reliabilities if available/relevant.
• Sample characteristics, such as: overall sample size, country, sample type (students, MTurk, general population, etc.), mean age.
• Reference to be used when citing.
If you only have raw data that has not yet been analyzed, then we would be happy to help analyze it for inclusion. In such a case, please send us the dataset and a description of the key variables described above relevant for the analysis.
Please send all relevant information and/or data to:
Wilson (Siu Kit) Yeung: u3517520@connect.hku.hk
Gilad Feldman: giladfel@gmail.com
If you are interested in more information, we will be happy to answer any further questions.
Additionally, you can follow updates and read further information on:
Best regards,
Gilad Feldman
University of Hong Kong
Email: gfeldman@hku.hk
Website: http://giladfeldman.org