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 Statistical Training in Psych for Undergrads
Posted by: Nicolle Singer
Title/Position: Science Programs Associate
School/Organization: American Psychological Association
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP
Date posted: February 6th, 2008

A unique summer program from the APA Science Directorate...

Advanced Statistical Training in Psychology (ASTP)

University of Maryland
July 12-20, 2008

This summer, the APA will hold an advanced seminar in statistics for undergraduates who plan to pursue advanced degrees in psychological research. The Advanced Statistical Training in Psychology (ASTP) program, will be an intensive, 9-day hands-on seminar in which students learn about psychological statistics and research methods in a dynamic setting that emphasizes the hands-on skills it takes to analyze and interpret real data. Much of the statistical instruction will be geared toward the use of computer-assisted statistical packages (SPSS). This intensive seminar will be co-taught by award winning instructors who have each taught graduate statistics and/or research methods at major research universities.

ASTP will target students from traditionally underrepresented groups in psychology. The definition of underrepresented groups for this program is broad. The seminar will undoubtedly include students who are members of ethnic minority groups, but it will also include first generation college students and students who have had to overcome other kinds of social, physical or economic barriers on the road to academic excellence.

ASTP will focus primarily on statistics and research methods. However, the program will also include a substantial professional socialization component, in which students will learn about important topics such as maximizing one's chances of being admitted to graduate school and maximizing one's chances of being happy and successful once admitted.

Participants will pay a $200 registration fee and provide for their own travel. APA will cover the cost of room, board, lectures, and labs. Financial need should not be a barrier to anyone's participation. For those with financial need, scholarship support is available for travel as well as for the registration fee. We expect ASTP to be very competitive. Eligibility is limited to college students who will be seniors during the 2008-2009 academic year, who have firm plans to attend a graduate program in psychology after college, and who plan to pursue careers in research.

Applications are due by March 17, 2008. For more information and application instructions, visit:

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