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 Job Posting: Associate Trial Consultant, Chicago
Posted by: David Perrott, PhD (on behalf of Dalayna Johnson)
Title/Position: Jury Consultant
School/Organization: TrialGraphix / Kroll Ontrack
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 17th, 2008

If interested, please apply online at:

Job Description

The Associate Trial Consultant works as a member of an integrated trial support team to prepare proposals and to deliver trial consulting services. The trial support team includes senior trial consultants, production specialists, graphic designers, and courtroom technology consultants. In conjunction with senior trial consultants and our business development department, the Associate Trial Consultant will develop skills in selling our research and consulting services. The Associate Trial Consultant serves as the supporting consultant in projects such as multiple-panel focus groups, mock trials, witness evaluation and training, voir dire/jury selection consultation, community attitude surveys, post-trial jury interviews, and related projects.


A Ph.D. in Psychology, Sociology, Communication, or a related field in the social sciences is required. Must be able to work effectively as a member of a high-energy team of professionals. Interpersonal, cognitive, and writing skills; applied research design, implementation, and analysis; and strong computer skills are mandatory. A willingness to travel and work extended hours as needed is also required.


We consider our people to be our greatest assets, and we place a high priority on the growth and development of our employees. We are a growing company, and as new opportunities present themselves, we look within for employees who have potential to move up within the company and who are looking for a rewarding long-term career.

TrialGraphix ׀ Kroll Ontrack offers highly competitive salaries, full health, dental, and vision benefits, flexible spending accounts, and a pre-tax transportation reimbursement program. In addition, we offer a 401(k) plan for which all employees are immediately eligible. We offer a great deal of opportunity for those looking to begin an exciting new career in a growing field.

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