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 Early Registration for ARP Pre-Conference Closing
Posted by: Lynne Cooper
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Missouri Columbia
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 8th, 2008

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Advanced registration for the Association for Research in Personality (ARP) Pre-Conference closes January 10.

To register at a reduced rate, please go to:

We have an exciting line up including symposia and talks on personality and behavior genetics; animal personality; temperament; emotion and well-being; and idiographic methods. Featured speakers include: Eric Turkheimer (keynote speaker), Ed Diener (this year's Jack Block award winner), Kristian Markon (this year's Tanaka dissertation award winner), Randy Larson, Yuichi Shoda, Dan Cervone, William Shadel, Sam Gosling, Rebecca Shiner, Sam Putnam, Kristin Buss, and others. Details available at the above link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Lynne Cooper
Program Chair

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