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 Science of Evil on National Geographic TV
Posted by: Phil Zimbardo
Title/Position: Professor Emeritus
School/Organization: Stanford University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 6th, 2008

Dear Colleagues,

If you can get access to the National Geographic TV channel, there is an interesting program on Wednesday, January 9, at 8:00 pm that presents four segments about different aspects of "evil" from researchers and also from United Nations workers in the Congo and a minister who baptized a mass murderer. The hour long program is very well done in terms of production quality and the range of examples presented. My Stanford Prison Experiment is featured, as is new research on the neurobiology of resolving moral dilemmas being conducted at Princeton University.

Comments welcome.

I was told if there is a good reception, they might do a follow-up on the Science of Virtue.

Phil Zimbardo

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