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 Our Research Master in Social Psychology
Posted by: Caryl Rusbult
Title/Position: Full Professor
School/Organization: Social Psychology, VU University Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 4th, 2007

Dear colleagues,

I’d like to call your attention to our unique and outstanding Research Master’s Program in Social Psychology. Please pass on this information to talented undergraduates who might be interested in the program.

The VU University Amsterdam offers an outstanding 2-year Research Master’s Program in Social Psychology. The program adopts a multi-disciplinary and integrative approach to understanding fundamental social psychological processes, incorporating biological, cognitive, neuroscientific, and evolutionary perspectives. It’s a truly exceptional program: Students complete many exciting courses, including classes spanning methods, statistics, writing and presenting, cognition and emotion, motivation and communication, interpersonal relations, and group processes. Furthermore, the program includes several Expert Workshops taught by renowned leaders in the field (in recent years, David Amodio, Art Aron, Roy Baumeister, Linnda Caporael, Hart Blanton, John Cacioppo, Anne Maass, Gün Semin, Eliot Smith, Russell Spears, Dianne Tice, Kip Williams). Students also receive excellent research experience, preparing several research proposals and carrying out a multitude of full-scale research projects. Research resources are exceptional, including four excellent laboratories that enable the use of computer-assisted research, observational research methods, physiological measures, and fMRI. Thus, our Research Master`s Program in Social Psychology offers a unique opportunity for students to pursue scientific excellence in their graduate education.

The department has a vibrant and intellectually stimulating climate, and is international in orientation. Hence, all program activities are in English. Our faculty are strong scientists and teachers, who provide excellent support in the form of mentorship and research supervision. Full-time faculty in the program include: Caryl Rusbult and Paul van Lange (Profs); Wilco van Dijk, Catrin Finkenauer, and Sander Koole (Assoc Profs); and Esther van Leeuwen, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Loran Nordgren, and Martijn van Zomeren (Assis Profs).

The students are outstanding – young adults who’ve come here from around the world in order to pursue graduate education in Social Psychology (our current and previous students are from many different countries, such as the United States, Canada, Germany, Finland, Poland, Panama, and Vietnam). We encourage applications from intelligent, enthusiastic, and highly motivated students. We provide good support for immigration procedures, we offer a number of merit-based fellowships and research assistantships, and students can also apply for university-funded housing. Following completion of the program, students will enjoy excellent prospects, including opportunities for PhD work (here at the VU or elsewhere), or jobs in the public or private sector. And last but not least, Amsterdam is an easy and attractive place to live for non-Dutch speakers!

So... this is a terrific program, and a terrific opportunity! Please convey this information to talented undergraduate students who might be interested. More information can be obtained by contacting Carla Heldens (, or through our website:

Caryl Rusbult, Chair
Department of Social Psychology
VU University Amsterdam
Van der Boechorststraat 1
1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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