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 Study Recruitment Issues
Posted by: Rusty B. McIntyre
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Wayne State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: October 12th, 2007

Dear colleagues:

We have recently switched form traditional paper sign-ups to an electronic sign-up/posting system for studies through our department (we are using the Sona Systems). Though we like the system, we have encountered some issues we would like to fix. We feel these issues might be best be assessed by comparing them to normative standards for doing research. I ask that you please take a moment and reply to the following questionnaire.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Rusty B. McIntyre
Department of Psychology
Wayne State University
Detroit MI, 48202

1. Do you require undergraduates in Introductory Psychology to participate
in research as subjects? Yes No
If so, how many hours (or studies) are required? (please specify # of hours or studies)

2. Are undergraduates in Introductory Psychology permitted to do additional
hours on top of the required amount? Yes No
If so, how many?

3. Does your department currently use an online study tracker (i.e., Sona Systems, Experimatrix, etc.)? Yes No

4. Does your department currently allow students to earn research credit via online studies? Yes No

5. Is any distinction made between on-line vs. in-person participation
hours in your department (that is more or less credit for online participation)?
If so, how do you make such distinctions?

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