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 Postdoc Position at University of Queensland
Posted by: Catherine Amiot
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Université du Québec à Montréal
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 9th, 2007

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Social/Organisational Psychology at the University of Queensland

Organisational Environment:

The University of Queensland is one of Australia’s premier research institutions. The School of Psychology is situated on the St Lucia campus of the University of Queensland, which is on the Brisbane River, seven kilometres from the centre of Brisbane.

The School of Psychology is one of the most prestigious in Australia, and its strong reputation is built on excellence in both research and teaching. The School is internationally recognised for research strengths across the breadth of psychology, and it has excellent laboratory and computer facilities. Further details are available at

The School of Psychology has one of the strongest research teams in social psychology in Australia, with many staff and postgraduate students active in this area. In addition, the School has several research centres, including the Centre for Research on Group Processes and the Centre for Organisational Psychology. For details of the staff involved in each centre please visit:

The Project:

The Research Fellow will be employed on the project “Newcomer socialisation: Examining the processes predicting changes in organisational identification over time'', funded by the Australian Research Council, as well as industry funds from the Brisbane City Council who will provide the employees to be studied in the project. This project examines factors that facilitate the socialisation and retention of new employees within an organisation, focusing on the role of identification and coping strategies. The project will examine how new employees adapt to their new work context and cope with the potential stressors and challenges associated with such life transitions. The project will use a number of methodologies, including focus groups, interviews, and longitudinal surveys. The Research Fellow will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the project. In addition, the Research Fellow will be expected to assist in writing reports, conference papers, and journal articles. Some supervision of Honours student projects may be required.

The Research Fellow will work closely with the research team, which is comprised of Dr Joanne Smith (School of Psychology, University of Queensland), Dr. Catherine Amiot (School of Psychology, University of Quebec in Montreal), Professor Deborah Terry (Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Queensland), and Professor Victor Callan (School of Business, University of Queensland), and work closely with the Human Resource Section of the industry partner on the project.


The post holder should have a PhD in either social or organisational psychology and have a track record of conference presentations and publications. The post holder should have good statistical skills and familiarity with advanced statistical methods, along with strong organisational skills and demonstrated capacity to manage research projects, and work as part of a team. Relevant experience and knowledge of organisational settings and qualitative data analysis would be an advantage.


The position is a full-time fixed-term appointment for a minimum of 2 years and, based upon performance, a maximum of 3 years at Research Academic Level A. Salary starting from AUS $70 658.06 p.a. This salary packages consists of a base salary of $60 391.50, plus employer superannuation contribution of 17%. An employee superannuation contribution of 7% of salary is mandatory and can be salary sacrificed from pre-tax earnings.

The intended start date for the appointment is January 2008. Further particulars may be obtained online or from Dr Joanne Smith (, Professor Victor Callan (, or Professor Deborah Terry (

To apply, please send a cover letter and academic curriculum vitae, along with the details of two referees, by email to Joanne Smith. The closing date for completed applications is Monday 29th October 2007.

The University of Queensland is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

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