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 SPSSI Diversity Travel Award
Posted by: Nicole Shelton
Title/Position: Diversity Committee Chair
School/Organization: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: September 24th, 2007

SPSSI Diversity Travel Award

In order to encourage and facilitate the participation of young scholars from diverse backgrounds to participate in SPSSI’s biennial conventions, we sponsor a limited number of Diversity Travel Awards. Applicants are not required to present research at the conference.

Up to 10 stipends, in the amount of $500 each are typically awarded to scholars for travel to the SPSSI convention.

To be eligible for a travel award, an applicant must:
• be enrolled in a PhD program in psychology or a related social science discipline.
• be a member of an underrepresented group (ethnic and racial minorities; first-generation college students; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered students; or students with a physical disability). Applications from international students from underrepresented groups are welcomed.
• be a dues-current SPSSI member. Applicants may join at the time they submit their diversity travel application.
• submit a brief statement explaining how their participation at the conference would be consistent with the goals of the program.

Exclusions: Winners of the SPSSI Graduate Student Travel Award are not eligible for concurrent or future Diversity Travel Awards.

Award Presentation: Awardees must attend the SPSSI convention in order to receive the award. Travel awards may be used to cover all conference-related expenses up to a maximum of $500, including transportation, lodging, food, and conference registration. Award payments are made only in the form of post-conference reimbursement for documented expenses.

Application Deadline: The deadline to apply for 2008 Diversity Travel Awards is May 1, 2008.

Decision Notification: SPSSI will notify all applicants of the award decisions by May 15, 2008.

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