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 Tenure-Track Position: University of Wyoming
Posted by: Michael Johns
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: University of Wyoming
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 24th, 2007

THE UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT invites applicants for a tenure-track Social Psychology assistant professor position to begin August 2008. We seek a productive social psychology researcher committed to graduate and undergraduate education. The potential to teach one or more graduate courses in fundamental multivariate analysis as well as experience with state-of-the-art analytic methods for longitudinal and/or nested designs (e.g., multi-level modeling) is a plus. Research area within social psychology is open, but preference will be given to scholars who will contribute to one or more departmental strengths, including developmental, biological, cognitive, health, and clinical psychology, and psychology & law. Position responsibilities include: graduate and undergraduate teaching, academic advising, research supervision of graduate students, and the development of a productive research program.

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2007. A Ph.D. is required for faculty rank. For detailed information about the department, see:

Laramie, a family-friendly small town situated in the high plains between the Laramie Mountain Range and the Medicine Bow Mountain Range, has abundant outdoor recreation and is an easy drive to Denver, Boulder, and Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of application describing research and teaching interests, a curriculum vitae, selected reprints, and teaching evaluations, and have three letters of reference sent to: Walt Scott (, Chair, Social Psychology Search Committee, University of Wyoming, Department of Psychology, Dept. 3415, 1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie, WY 82071. UW is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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