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 Interrogations and Confessions Conference
Posted by: G. Daniel Lassiter
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Ohio University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 10th, 2007


Below is information on the first of its kind Interrogations and Confessions conference slated for late September. Please note the location change from an earlier announcement.


This two-and-a-half-day conference will provide a unique forum within which social scientists, legal scholars, law enforcement professionals, and clinicians might be brought together to critically examine the current state of research and practice in the context of interrogations and confessions. To this end, the organizers have invited the most prominent scholars who have developed well-recognized programs of research on the topics of interrogative interviewing, false confessions, the detection of deception in forensic interviews, individual differences, and clinical-forensic evaluations. The conference program includes both individual research presentations and panel discussions that will provide a forum for assessing future directions in research and the development of "best practice" models. Continuing education credit is available to lawyers and clinical psychologists who might wish to attend.

For information regarding specific dates, location, registration, lodging, and transportation, visit:

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