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 Call for Papers: Social Psychology
Posted by: Guido Gendolla
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Geneva, Switzerland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 2nd, 2007

Call for Papers in *Social Psychology* (ISSN 1864-9335), a new international journal.

Social Psychology is a new peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research in all areas of social psychology, as well as a forum for scientific discussion and debate.

The first issue of Social Psychology will appear in January 2008, and there will be four issues per year.

Social Psychology has an international editorial board of leading researchers in all areas of basic and applied social psychology, thus ensuring that the highest international standards are maintained. It offers a rapid and transparent peer-review process and a short time-lag between acceptance of papers and publication. Authors will usually receive feedback within eight weeks of submission.

Social Psychology invites contributions that advance the understanding of social psychological phenomena. In addition, the journal provides a forum for methodological developments.
On-line full-text access to the content of Social Psychology will be available at institutions subscribing to APA’s database PsycARTICLES.

More detailed information about Social Psychology as well as instructions for authors are provided on the journal homepage at Hogrefe & Huber publishers:


Guido H. E. Gendolla
Editor-in-Chief (2007)
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Michael Richter
Editorial office (until 30 September 2007)
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Gerd Bohner
Editor-in-Chief (starting 2008)
University of Bielefeld, Germany

Lily-Maria Silny
Editorial office (starting 1 October 2007)
University of Bielefeld, Germany

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