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 Harvard University Lab Manager Position
Posted by: Jennifer Lerner
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Harvard University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: May 29th, 2007


Job Description: Laboratory Manager
Grade 54
Salary commensurate with experience


A brand new Judgment and Decision Making Lab at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government will be a dynamic, interdisciplinary research hub. The lab seeks to hire a full-time laboratory manager beginning in Summer, 2007. The environment will be a lively, fast-paced, and intellectually challenging place to work. The lab manager will interact daily with the faculty director (Professor Lerner), other faculty, graduate students, undergraduate research assistants, postdoctoral fellows, and technical staff.


Half time will be devoted to management of the lab in general; half time will be devoted to assisting Professor Jennifer Lerner with research. Taken together, the position will include the following responsibilities: Plan and manage screening, recruitment, and scheduling of subjects; trouble-shoot computer functioning; schedule and organize weekly lab meetings; install hardware and software upgrades; trouble-shoot and test laboratory equipment; oversee recruitment and management of research assistants (typically manage a team of 6-10 undergraduate research assistants who work 8-10 hours a week); schedule laboratory rooms; keep lab rooms and supplies in order; manage data, including data backup and simple data analysis; manage laboratory expenses; and assist with preparation of talks, manuscripts and grant reporting.


Bachelors degree in Psychology or a related scientific field (e.g., economics, neuroscience) required. Must also have exceptionally good attention to detail and a fondness for precision; proficiency with PC computer software and hardware including MS-Office (i.e., Excel, Word) required; proficiency with simple, local area computer networks; excellent written and oral communication skills; ability to work during regular business hours (9-5) and additional hours as needed; excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to develop effective working relations with a diverse community. Finally, must be able to juggle multiple roles in a dynamic laboratory environment.

Additional skills/interests:
Familiarity with SPSS or other data analysis software; experience with psychophysiological methods; interest in collaborating on research projects and co-authoring papers.

Please apply on line at:
Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue on a rolling basis until the position has been filled.

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