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 International Conference on e-Social Science
Posted by: Kellina Craig-Henderson
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: May 7th, 2007

Dear Colleague:

We would like to invite your department's graduate students to attend a doctoral colloquium to be held at the third International Conference on e-Social Science, funded by the National Science Foundation (US) and the Economic and Social Research Council (UK). A preliminary description of the colloquium, to be held Saturday, October 6, and Sunday, October 7, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and a description of the application process is available at:

Briefly, the aim of the colloquium is to:

· Build a cohort group of new researchers who will then have a network of colleagues spread out across the world.

· Guide the work of the new researchers by having experts in e-social science give advice.

· Provide encouragement and support for the selection of e-social science research topics.

· Make it possible for promising new entrants in the field to attend the Conference.

· Illustrate the interrelationship and diversity of the field of e-social science.

· Make the new entrants' experience at the Conference an enjoyable and rewarding experience, encouraging them to return and submit papers, panels, posters, etc., to future conferences.

We will consider submissions on any theme in cyberinfrastructure applied to the Social Sciences -- examples include:

· Collaboration (e.g., the confidentiality issues associated with datasharing; ethics)

· Visualisation (e.g., visualization of large scale data and image manipulation)

· High Performance Computation (e.g., grid-enabled statistical analysis)

· Modeling & Simulation (e.g., agent-based modeling)

Attendance will be restricted to 15 students. We will structure the colloquium to have three or four sessions, the themes of which will depend on the nature and balance of the submissions from the students. Each session will feature an address from a senior researcher in the field, a discussion by one or both of the co-chairs of the colloquium, and general discussion amongst participants.

Please circulate this call as widely as possible. Please note that the deadline is May 30, 2007, and we aim to notify successful applicants before the end of June. Please do not hesitate to contact either of the co-chairs should you have any questions.

Mark Birkin (

Julia Lane (

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