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 In-Mind Magazine
Posted by: Hans IJzerman
Title/Position: Lecturer
School/Organization: VU University, Amsterdam
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI, SESP
Date posted: May 2nd, 2007

Hi all,

I am sending this message to direct your attention to a new journal, In-Mind Magazine ( In-Mind's purpose is to inform the general audience on hot trends in social psychological research.

We felt that there was insufficient information 'out there' from our field, while many people on these lists discuss very interesting (and accessible!) issues such as the current debate on the Dove commercials. Of course we do not attempt to take any discussions away from these lists, but some people might be interested in sharing some info with a wider audience.

Hence, we started a new type of magazine that should be more easily accessible (both as it is free and on the internet, as well as in terms of language). The people at psychblog probably word it best by saying that In-Mind is a "cross between a ‘proper’ academic journal and e-zine type-thing for people to publish their work on social psychology."

Initially it was founded as a platform for graduate students, however, we of course welcome other members of the social psychological community to submit their articles. Our first two issues have primarily consisted of contributions from graduate students from VU University, but we invite others to submit articles. In order to expand this range of authors, we have invited several experts to contribute. So far, Linnda Caporael, CY Chiu, Jan Willem van Prooijen, and Philip Zimbardo have agreed to contribute something to this issue.

We currently publish quarterly, but are willing to consider an increase if more social psychologists be willing to review and/or submit material. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, you can e-mail Esther Coalter at or Clare Jonas at For our submission guidelines, see:

Alternatively, if you do not have the time to send us information on your research, but your research was in an internet news resource, you may send the link of this resource to Irene van Driel at We will then add this link to our 'Social Psychology News' Section. We try to find many of them ourselves, but of course we cannot trace all.

We attempt to market our site as much as we can. We would very much appreciate it if you would forward this link to students, colleagues, or friends that are interested in social psychological issues. Moreover, we would also appreciate it if website-owners could place a link to our site, as this would greatly increase the chance of our site being found. Naturally, we will reciprocate to those who offer interesting content to our readers.

Every member has a free blog on our site as well. We are still testing this option though, so it might not work as proper as we are hoping for.

If you are interested in contributing regularly or if you have great ideas that could help us, you may send me an e-mail at

Hope people find this resource useful and perhaps that we can hear some interesting suggestions from people on these listserves.

Kind regards,
Hans IJzerman

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