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 Postdoctoral Opportunity
Posted by: Alan Cooke
Title/Position: Associate Professor / Graduate Coordinator
School/Organization: University of Florida
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: April 18th, 2007

Postdoctoral Study in Consumer Behavior
University of Florida

The Marketing Department at the University of Florida invites applications for a postdoctoral position in consumer behavior. We invite students with backgrounds in experimental research who strive to make both theoretical and applied contributions to the discipline. Students may have a background in behavioral decision making, social cognition, attitude theory, or any other discipline that can contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior.

Postdocs will have the opportunity to work with faculty who are highly recognized within the discipline. Our faculty comprises a number of researchers trained in social and cognitive psychology. Our research interests include various topics in decision making (preference measurement, subjective calibration, context, intertemporal choice, and framing), social cognition (attitudes and persuasion, self-identity, goal pursuit, and social comparison), unconscious processing, and emotion, to name a few. We are interested in working closely with students to help them develop their research skills and apply them productively in the discipline.

The Marketing Department at the University of Florida has a well-equipped laboratory for behavioral research. Our laboratory consists of 24 lab stations for in-person computerized and pencil-and-paper studies, a network file server, and a web server and software for conducting complex, multimedia web-based experiments.

If you are interested in exploring such a possibility, please send a PDF copy of your vita to our Graduate Coordinator, Alan Cooke ( by May 11, 2007. For more information about our faculty and their research interests, see:

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