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 Applications Sought for Postdoctoral Position
Posted by: Dacher Keltner
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of California--Berkeley
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 7th, 2007

The Greater Good Science Center, an interdisciplinary research center located in the Institute of Human Development and the Psychology Department at UC Berkeley, offers one two-year full-time Post-doctoral Fellowship beginning July 9, 2007. The Center’s post-doctoral fellow will work with the Center’s academic affiliates to generate findings within one of three topic areas: (1) The neurophysiology of positive emotions; (2) Gene-environment interactions and contextual influences (e.g., SES, family environment) on social adjustment; or (3) How social well-being affects physical and mental health.

Competitive salary and benefits are provided, and will be based on training and experience. Salary range is expected to be $38,412 - $45,684. Applicants must have a doctoral degree from an APA-accredited program. Closing date for applications is April 27, 2007.

To apply, please send us your: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) statement of research goals; (3) at least one sample publication, and (4) three letters of recommendation. Candidates should direct their recommenders to the University’s statement on confidentiality, found at:

For more information please see:

The University of California--Berkeley is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Send application packets to:

Christine Carter McLaughlin
Dacher Keltner
Greater Good Science Center
University of California, Berkeley
2425 Atherton Street, #6070
Berkeley, CA 94720-6070

If you do not receive confirmation that we have received your application, please send an email to:

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