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 Division 49 (APA) Dissertation Award
Posted by: Richard Moreland
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 29th, 2007

Division 49 (APA) Dissertation Research Award

This will be the fifteenth year that Division 49 has offered an award for the best dissertation award on small groups. A list of past winners is provided below, along with some information about the most recent winner. If you completed a research dissertation on groups this past year (2006), then please consider applying for the award. Or maybe you know someone who completed such a dissertation, and who ought to apply. We aim to be inclusive -- the research can focus on any kind of group, using any methodology, to study any phenomenon. What matters most is the quality of the dissertation.

The deadline for applications was January 31st of this year, but late applications may still be considered. To apply, please send a brief (no more than five typewritten pages, double-spaced) abstract of your dissertation to Dr. Richard Moreland, Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA., 15260. A panel of judges will review all the submitted abstracts and select three finalists, who will be asked to submit copies of their complete dissertations. The same judges will read those dissertations and select a winner, to be announced at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association this summer. The award includes a plaque, a cash prize of $500, and a three-year free membership in the Division.

The prize was first awarded to Dr. Karen Jehn, for her 1992 dissertation on conflict in groups. Subsequent winners, in order, were Drs. Deborah Gruenfeld, Kathleen O’Connor, Mary Waller, Amy Edmondson, Sarah Hutson-Comeaux, Peter Kim, Kyle Lewis, Wendi Adair, Artemis Chang, Bianca Beersma, Michaela Schippers, Andrea Lassiter, and Floor Rink. We are proud of them all.

The most recent winner of the award was Dr. Floor Rink, who did her dissertation at Leiden University and is still there now, as a faculty member. The title of her dissertation was “Towards a social identity framework for studying the effects of task-related differences in dyads and groups.”

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