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 Position Available
Posted by: Herbert H. Blumberg
Title/Position: Reader in Psychology
School/Organization: Goldsmiths, University of London
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 20th, 2006

Up to 40,802 pounds pa incl
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross, London

Based in the Psychology Department, you will manage your own research programme in any area related to our existing research strengths: cognition, brain and behaviour; development and social processes; and work psychology. We would be particularly keen to receive applications that would strengthen our research profile in social psychology.

You will have a Ph.D. in psychology and a track record of high quality research, as demonstrated by publications in international peer-reviewed journals, and clear plans for developing your research programme. You will demonstrate the skills to teach and supervise the research of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Alan Pickering:

For further information, see:

Telkephone: 020 7919 7999
Please quote ref: 07/60AE

Closing date: 23 January 2007 by 5.00pm
Interview date: 14 February 2007

Committed to equal opportunities.

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