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 Request for studies for IAT meta-analysis
Posted by: Tony Greenwald
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: University of Washington
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 4th, 2006

Dear Colleagues,

We are updating a meta-analysis of the predictive validity of Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures. Of interest are the relationships between IAT measures and measures of behavior, judgment, emotional response, physiological response, intention, etc., that may reasonably be expected to be predicted by an IAT measure of attitude, stereotype, self-concept, or self-esteem.

A list of the reports that we already have can be found at:

We wish to include dissertations and unpublished manuscripts in addition to published articles. We are as interested in work that did not find relationships as in work that did. If you have relevant work not already on the present list (or that supersedes something on the list) please email a copy to any one (or all) of us so that we can include it.

We would greatly appreciate receiving a copy by December 10 to assure our ability to include it in the meta-analysis.

Thank you in advance,

Andy Poehlman
Eric Uhlmann
Tony Greenwald
Mahzarin RBanaji (fas)

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