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 Upcoming SJDM Conference details
Posted by: Rebecca Ratner
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of Maryland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 13th, 2006


The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) annual conference is rapidly approaching and we hope to see many of you there. This year, the SJDM conference will be held at the Hilton Americas in Houston, TX, from November 18-20, 2006. On-site early registration and a welcome reception will take place the evening of Friday, November 17. As in 2004 and 2005, the schedule includes a full day on Saturday to make room for more presentations and for two keynote speakers:

* Philip Tetlock, Mitchell Professor of Leadership, University of California, Berkeley, and award-winning author of numerous books and articles about political judgments, accountability, and counterfactual thinking

* John Allen Paulos, Professor of Mathematics, Temple University, and bestselling author of several books including Innumeracy and A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market

Upcoming SJDM conference deadlines: Please register by October 27, 2006, to avoid late fees. The special hotel rates are good until October 25, 2006, or the hotel runs out of rooms. In the event that the Hilton Americas hotel is full, the concierge suggested two nearby hotels (The Inn at the Ballpark (713) 228-1520 and the Holiday Inn Express (713) 652-9400).

Please visit the SJDM website ( to see the 2006 conference program, registration, and hotel information.

We hope to see you in Houston!

Best wishes,
Rebecca Ratner

Ellen Peters (Chair), Dan Ariely, Rachel Croson, Melissa Finucane, Rebecca Ratner, Yuval Rottenstreich, Alan Schwartz, George Wu

Derek Koehler (conference coordinator)
John Payne (SJDM president)

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