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 Papers on the illusory truth effect
Posted by: Alice Dechene
Title/Position: Research Associate
School/Organization: University of Basel
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: October 5th, 2006

Dear Colleagues,

Michaela Wänke and I are conducting a meta-analytic review of studies that examine the repetition-induced illusory truth effect and its mediators and moderators. We have identified a number of studies through a literature search of such databases as Web of Science, PsychINFO, and Google Scholar, but we are also seeking dissertations, presentations, and unpublished studies. We would appreciate receiving any such papers!

Please send them either electronically ( or by regular mail to the address below.

Best regards,
Alice Dechêne and Michaela Wänke

Alice Dechêne, M.Sc.
Abteilung Sozial- & Wirtschaftspsychologie
University of Basel
Missionsstrasse 62a
CH-4055 Basel

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