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 Analysing Identity Workshop, 21 & 22 September
Posted by: Peter Weinreich
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: Psychology, University of Ulster
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 7th, 2006

Analysing Identity
Training Workshop
for researchers and professionals interested in identity and in exploring and analysing identity processes

Thursday 21 September & Friday 22 September 2006

University of Chester

Following the highly regarded practical workshops in Montreal (2004), Copenhagen (2005) and Belfast (2006), a further two-day workshop on identity processes will take place in Chester, England, on Thursday and Friday, 21 and 22 September 2006. This will introduce the powerful and sophisticated approach to analysing identity processes known as Identity Structure Analysis (ISA). The efficacy of ISA is established in the publication: Weinreich, P., & Saunderson, W. (Eds.) (2003) Analysing Identity: Cross-Cultural, Societal and Clinical Contexts. London & New York: Routledge. The workshop will provide hands-on practical experience in the use of ISA conceptual framework for analysing identity processes, together with an introduction to the dedicated software and its use in developing customised identity instruments. Workshop participants will have the use of the software for their own purposes for a limited period.

The workshop is specifically designed for researchers and academics from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds for whom issues of identity development and change are salient. Typical attendance includes developmental, social, cross-cultural, clinical and educational psychologists, as well as educationalists, counsellors, sociologists and social policy analysts. Some participants will be well-established in their academic/ professional field and wish to engage with new developments in the objective assessment of identity processes. Others may wish to use ISA in their Ph.D. research, or in funded research projects, or in an empirical study for publication, or simply for professional development.

Booking a Place:
Only 24 places are available so early booking is advisable. Should all places not be taken by University of Chester staff people from outside the University are invited to attend at a fee of £100 per person. For further details and registration (by 31 August 2006) please contact Marilyn Norbury +44(0)1244 511622 or +44(0)1244 383688.

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