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 Award for Junior Scholars - Call for Applications
Posted by: Stacey L. Williams, Ph.D.
Title/Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
School/Organization: Institute for Social Research
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 5th, 2006

Announcing the Michele Alexander Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service

SPSSI and the Junior Scholars Professional Development (JSPD) task force are accepting applications for an award to recognize early career scholars who combine excellence in both scholarship and service: The Michele Alexander Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service. This award stands apart from the Louise Kidder Early Career Award by recognizing those individuals who not only excel in scholarship but who combine excellence in scholarship (defined as theoretical, applied, or empirical contributions) and in service (defined as community involvement and/or professional service).

In many ways, this award captures the spirit of SPSSI as an organization committed to both social issues and scholarship. This award is inspired in memory of Michele Alexander, a talented scholar and dedicated teacher who brought exceptional insight, passion, and commitment to social issues research. Michele also gave generously to students, colleagues, and communities through voluntary service.

Submission requirements, due May 1, 2006, include a 500-word statement outlining how the nominee combines scholarship and service, and a current curriculum vita. Nominees should have received their Ph.D. within 5 years of the time of application. For more details, please consult the JSPD website:

The JSPD task force was created in 2003 to foster the professional advancement of early career scholars interested in the psychological study of social issues.

Stacey L. Williams, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Social Environment and Health
Institute for Social Research #3348
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
Tel: (734) 647-9290

SPSSI Junior Scholars Professional Development
Resource for New Scholars:

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