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 Behavioral Lab Research Assistant (Predoctoral)
Posted by: Christian Wheeler
Title/Position: Associate Professor of Marketing
School/Organization: Stanford University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: March 16th, 2006

The Behavioral Lab at the Stanford Graduate School of Business anticipates hiring a full-time Research Assistant for a one-year term beginning August, 2006. This is an excellent opportunity for a recent bachelor’s-level graduate with a strong background in social science research to build experience and relationships in preparation for grad school. The Lab consists of approximately 30 faculty and Ph.D. students conducting a wide variety of experimental research in social psychology, organizational behavior and marketing. For further information about the Behavioral Lab, please visit our website at:

About 25% of the RA’s time will be spent providing direct research support to faculty and graduate students at the GSB (data coding and entry; running experiment sessions; designing studies; etc.); about 25% will be spent providing direct research support to the Behavioral Lab co-directors (lit searches; developing study hypotheses and materials; programming computer-based studies; etc.); and about 50% will involve administrative tasks associated with running subject pools and shared lab facilities (e-mail and communications; website maintenance; coordinating lab space scheduling; etc.). Training will be provided. Hours are flexible, and the RA has opportunities to sit in on lab meetings, seminars, and (with faculty permission) occasional graduate-level courses. Supervision may be minimal or intensive, depending on the project. The position is a one-year term (renewable).

The successful candidate will be an extremely bright, independent self-starter who can take initiative, see projects through to completion, and understand the unique priorities and demands of lab-based experimentation. Excellent computer skills (word, excel, html or front page, etc.) and knowledge of research design and statistics are essential; experience with computer-based experimentation and web studies is desirable. Ability to balance multiple, competing projects and supervisors a must.

To apply, send your resume, a copy of your undergraduate transcript (photocopy acceptable), a letter outlining your interest, qualifications, and goals for the position, and one letter of recommendation to Paul K. Piff, the current Research Assistant, at Please submit all of your materials by April 15, 2006.

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