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 Non-traditional career paths
Posted by: Yuichi Shoda
Title/Position: SPSP Training Committee
School/Organization: University of Washington
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: January 4th, 2006

Pursuing a traditional academic career is not the only way Ph.D's in social and personality psychology can contribute to science and society. The SPSP Training Committee is looking for examples of non-traditional career paths that social and personality psychology Ph.D.s have chosen.

If you know of any examples, please let us know!

We will summarize your responses as a part of a workshop "varieties of career path experiences" at the upcoming SPSP conference (please see below).

-SPSP Training Committee

Cathy Cozzarelli (,
Steve Drigotas (, Chair,
Terri Vescio (,
and Yuichi Shoda (, <= please reply to this address



Training Committee Workshop: Varieties of Career Path Experiences

Friday, January 27, 4:15-5:30pm
Sierra/Ventura room, Wyndham Hotel

Pursuing a traditional academic career is not the only way Ph.D.s in social and personality psychology can contribute to science and society. This workshop presents examples of non-traditional career paths, with first hand accounts of the challenges and rewards. Workshop participants will then brainstorm about questions and issues related to seeking and preparing for such careers. Please come and share your thoughts and experiences, and help the SPSP community identify more ways to contribute.

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