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 Reminder: Submissions for Special Issue of BASP
Posted by: Robert Arkin
Title/Position: Professor of Psychology
School/Organization: The Ohio State University
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 15th, 2005

Dear colleagues:

This is a reminder about the special issue of Basic and Applied Social Psychology (Volume 28, Number 3) which will be devoted to the topic "In the Era of 9/11: Social Psychology and Security."

Many expressions of interest and intent have already been received; the response to our November announcement has been gratifying.

Reminder: We request expressions of interest by the December 31st, 2005, if possible. The final submission date for this special issue is April 1, 2006.

September, 2006 marks the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the United States. This special issue of the journal will appear at the time of this anniversary of the event.

The BASP web site has a detailed description of the 9/11 Special Issue, noting the high caliber theory and research and describing our broad construction of the term "security". Please visit the web site ( for additional information.

Happy Holidays!

Bob Arkin,
Editor, Basic and Applied Social Psychology

Patrick Carroll
Associate Co-Editor, Special Issue

Aaron Wichman
Associate Co-Editor, Special Issue

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