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 JESP Changes
Posted by: Bernadette Park
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Colorado
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: December 8th, 2005

The current editorial team at the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology will be completing our term as of December 31, 2005. I (Bernadette Park) would like to take this opportunity to do two things. First I would like to thank the six individuals who have served as Associate Editors on our team -- this is an incredibly time consuming job. I leaned heavily on these six people and I (as well as the field) am forever in their debt. These folks include Lee Fabrigar, Klaus Fiedler, Allen McConnell, Steve Spencer, Gary Stasser, and Jacquie Vorauer. I would also like to thank those of you who served so tirelessly on the Editorial Board -- it was a wonderful group -- along with all of you who we nagged incessantly for ad hoc reviews.

Second, I would like to announce the incoming team and encourage all of you to give them a warm welcome. The new Editor-in-Chief is Joel Cooper. Joel will be joined by Hart Blanton, Mike Hogg, Allen McConnell (hats off to a second-term-taker), Sandra Murray, John Skowronski, and Jeff Stone. This is a great team and we are all indebted to them for taking on this very vibrant, energetic, and ever growing journal! Also, JESP will be moving to a web based submission system under Joel Cooper. The system will not be accessible until January 1, 2006 but you can make your way to it by visiting the journal website:

Thanks for all your help and support.

Bernadette Park

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