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 Self and Identity Preconference Reminder
Posted by: Cynthia Pickett
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: University of California, Davis
Sent to listserv of: SPSP
Date posted: December 4th, 2005

Dear Colleagues,

This is just a reminder that the SPSP Self and Identity Preconference registration deadline is January 10th. Spaces for the preconference are limited, and we encourage you to register soon to reserve your space.

The Self and Identity Preconference will take place Thursday Jan 26th from 8:30-4:30. Speakers for this years conference include: Shinobu Kitayama, Jennifer Crocker, Sandra Murray, Serena Chen, David Dunning, Dan Wegner, Nick Epley, Liqing Zhang, Kathleen Vohs, Michael Kernis and Sander Koole.

Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks. Also, when you register for this year's preconference you get an opportunity to join the society and get the journal Self and Identity at a discounted rate.

The speaker list and registration form for this year's conference may be found at:

Wendi Gardner
Cynthia Pickett
Self and Identity Preconference Co-organizers

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