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 CRSP Power Pose Special Issue Published
Posted by: Kai Jonas
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: Maastricht University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 28th, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, our discipline's first and only preregistration journal, is proud to announce the publication of our first Special Issue on Power Poses. Please find this issue here:

The special issues contains 7 original preregistered papers and a Bayesian meta-analysis on the papers. Taken together, there were no pose effects on any preregistered behavioral or hormonal measures. But the meta-analysis revealed a reliable effect on felt power across the studies in the issue. Whether this indicates anything beyond a demand characteristic and when/how this might translate to behavioral effects is yet unclear, but we believe it is the only productive route at this point for further research.

While individual replication attempts are useful, coordinated preregistration is what allowed these results to emerge in an efficient manner. Moreover, every proposal was reviewed and given feedback by Dana Carney, first author of the original Power Pose publication. This was a major advantage only possible with the peer-reviewed preregistration format of CRSP.

We hope you enjoy the special issue and consider CRSP as an outlet for your future preregistered work.

Kai Jonas
Joe Cesario

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