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 14 Free Videos on Classic Social Psych Studies
Posted by: Jay Van Bavel
Title/Position: Associate Professor
School/Organization: New York University
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 22nd, 2017

For anyone who teaches social psychology, my lab just created a series of free videos of several classic social psych studies. Each video is roughly 8-10 minutes long and could be used in a class to explain how and why a study was conducted.

The videos illustrate classic studies on minimal groups, dissonance, moral judgment, implicit attitudes, snap judgments, group conformity, social exclusion, dishonesty, non-conscious mimicry, persuasion, thinking too much, and inducing emotions (

The videos include live acting and animation, describe the details of how each study is run (from power analysis to figures of the key results), and a pdf summary of each study. Here is how to get your 30 day free access to the videos if your institution does not subscribe to the Journal of Visualized Experiments:

We make no money or anything for their use, but think they might be useful in the classroom.

Warmest wishes,

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