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 Funding Opportunity, Deadline Approaching
Posted by: Tamera Schneider
Title/Position: Program Director
School/Organization: National Science Foundation
Sent to listserv of: SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: March 23rd, 2017

Hi all,

Here are two brief announcements from the Social Psychology Program at NSF:

1. The upcoming target date for standard proposals is July 17, 2017, and the deadline for CAREERS is July 19, 2017.

2. As we welcome Spring and all the wonder it unfolds, I'm pleased to inform you of an international call for proposals addressing interdisciplinary climate sustainability research:

The Belmont Forum, NORFACE and the ISSC, as the Transformations to Sustainability funders, have together launched a new funding programme under the banner of “Transformations to Sustainability” (T2S).

This T2S call will contribute to re-structuring the broad field of sustainability research by placing social science and humanities at the heart of interdisciplinary research, in a step-change in scale and scope for research programming on this topic. The programme is structured around three themes; every research project should focus on at least one of these themes:

-- Governance and institutional dimensions of transformations to sustainability
-- Economy and finance of transformations to sustainability
-- Well-being, quality of life, identity, and social and cultural values in relation to transformations to sustainability

The programme also aims to tap into and develop existing knowledge by facilitating new collaborations between countries which are not frequently involved in large-scale international collaborative research efforts, notably low- and middle-income countries.The ISSC is participating in the programme with dedicated funding for research teams in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

Projects funded under the research programme will be led by a Main Applicant from the social sciences or humanities, and project teams will involve researchers in at least three eligible countries. The funding available for this T2S programme over a period of three years has been set at a minimum of €13 million across the international funding partners.

Key Dates:
5 April 2017 – Deadline for submission of Outline Proposals
June 2017 – Applicants will be informed about the decision on Outline Proposals
26 September 2017 – Deadline for submission of Full Proposals
April 2018 – Applicants will be informed about the decision on Full Proposals

Only successful Outline Proposals will be considered at Full Proposal stage; Applicants must first complete an Outline Proposal to have a chance of being considered for funding.

Read the full call documents and apply:

As always, we are here for you. Do contact us with questions and research ideas.

Tamera and Steve

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